Bytown Voices  
Registration  Fee Payment Options 
For 2025 Winter-Spring Session
For new and returning members 

How to Pay

 #1. By secure CREDIT CARD or DEBIT CARD with a CVC number on back of the card.

#2. By Interac e-TRANSFER to the Bytown Voices Choir.  The name for the "recipient" box on your bank's form is Bytown Voices Choir. Don't forget to indicate your full name in your payment submission form. 

Choose your bank's email option to send registration payment to

#3. By CHEQUE. Give or mail to the Bytown Voices Treasurer (Jon Jones),145 Dunbarton Court, Ott K1K 4L6. 

Use option # 1  to make registration payment easy and efficient.  


TO PAY BY DEBIT or CREDIT CARD (option #1) using the white form below.
NOTE: Bytown Voices uses the ZEFFY platform to process online payments securely. ZEFFY is a Canadian social impact company featuring a secure platform that is  used by more than 2,000 non-profit organizations in Canada. ZEFFY charges no fee on the transaction.  Bytown Voices receives 100% of the registration price.
ZEFFY asks for a voluntary donation to support their organization.  To decline a donation, when you reach the summary page of your order,  click the right hand box by the line which says "Support the 100% free Canadian Platform..." Select OTHER - then enter 0.
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