Make a donation to Bytown Voices Community Choir

Throughout the pandemic, Bytown Voices maintained a choral rehearsal program with a combination of virtual and in-person rehearsals and meetings using ZOOM, a summer rehearsal outdoors in Britannia Park, the production of several virtual recordings and the recording our final May 2022 practice.  We were delighted to present our first post-pandemic public concert season in 2022-2023 with masking and social distancing protocols followed. 

Now, as of September 2023, we have returned to a full in-person rehearsal program and have expanded the choir model to include young choristers.  Masks and social distancing are no longer required. 
In normal times about half our annual costs are covered by concert ticket sales and fundraising. However with no income from five cancelled concerts, the "pandemic program" was subsidized from our limited reserves.

We need your help.

We are grateful for all and any donations to help us move successfully into the future to sing for our community once again and especially in the very special year 2024-2025 which is our 25th anniversary . To donate online, please see below. 

Thank you.
John Waddington, President

 Concert Day April 28,2024

Bytown Voices sells concert tickets and each choir member pays a seasonal membership fee. We also raise funds from sponsorships and mount internal fundraisers. We are constantly seeking to take on musical challenges to make our concerts more enjoyable for you. But we need your help.

Your donation to the Bytown Voices Community Choir helps with:

  • Music scores. The choir pays on average $250 per song and may purchase up to 8 songs for a single concert.
  • Musician fees: director of music, choir pianist, concert musicians, and additional musicians as needed.
  • Educational activities and resources. Includes home-practice resources, workshops etc.
  • Operational costs. Includes rent, insurance, piano tuning, publicity, and for rehearsals and concerts.
  • Community outreach. The choir usually performs at seniors' assisted living residences twice a year.


NOTE: Bytown Voices uses the ZEFFY platform  to process online payments securely. ZEFFY is a Canadian social impact company whose secure platform is used by more than 2,000 non-profit organizations in Canada. ZEFFY charges no fee on the transaction.  Bytown Voices receives 100% of any donation. 
ZEFFY asks for a voluntary donation to support their organization.  To decline an additional contribution, when you reach the summary page of your donation, click the right hand box by the line which says "Support the 100% free Canadian Platform..." Select OTHER - then enter 0

Bytown Voices is a not-for-profit organization but we do not have a charitable tax number from the Canadian Revenue Agency. We cannot issue a tax deductible receipt for your donation but you will receive a receipt for your records.

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