Support the Bytown Voices Community Choir by becoming a concert sponsor.
For more information call co-president Barb Clubb at 613-728-6831
or email:
The Bytown Voices Community Choir thanks the following organizations, businesses and individuals for their support over the 2014-15 year.
St. Basil’s Church and Father Dan Hawkins, Pastor, for providing us with rehearsal space and a performance venue
Ottawa-Carleton Catholic School Board Choir,MaryAnn Dunn, Director, for the use of their grand piano and risers
The Leading Note for their services as our ticket outlet
Langdon’s Florists and Wild Willy’s Plants and Flowers for their kind donations of floral arrangements as door prizes
Canadian Aviation and Space Museum for four family museum passes as door prizes
Kevin Burns for recording the concert for archival purposes
Gerry Sheehan for concert photography
Faye Rice and Helen Shaw for leading extra sectional rehearsals