Bytown Voices has two positions available:

  • Director of Music, application deadline, June 30, 2015

  • Music Accompanist, application deadline, July 15, 2015

See below for details. 



Bytown Voices Community Choir

Ottawa, Ontario

Bytown Voices May 15, 2015

The Bytown Voices is a community choir currently comprised of more than 55 enthusiastic singers from across the Ottawa region.  As a non-audition, mixed SATB choir, we perform two concerts yearly, with additional outreach performances at such venues as seniors' residences. Although we practice in a church, our diverse repertoire spans music from the sacred to folk, show tunes, as well as spirituals and enjoyable music of all genres. During the fall and spring terms our practices are held at St. Basil’s Church on Maitland just north of the Queensway.

Bytown Voices offers an engaging program that balances a variety of musical genres with the capabilities of the singers.  We strive to be a confident, dynamic community choir where members enjoy singing with each otherWenurture a respectful and enjoyable practice environment.  Wefacilitate the learning of new music, optimize training, and cultivate good singing habits to create a blended sound. We regularly review our progress.

We are seeking an experienced and dynamic director of music to provide musical leadership and take the Bytown Voices to new heights. Reporting to and working closely with the choir executive committee, the director of music will:

    • Select music to be rehearsed and presented in concerts and community outreach events
    • Prepare, teach, direct, and conduct the choir
    • Provide teaching and training in vocal techniques for the choir
    • Work collaboratively with the executive committee to achieve choir goals
    • Direct and supervise the work of the choir accompanist

For information about Bytown Voices visit the website:

To apply, send letter of interest and resume by June 30th to

For further information about the position please contact Bytown Voices Co-president:
Lindsay Setzer    T. 613-421-9577     C. 613-252-0970


Music Accompanist

Bytown Voices Community Choir

Ottawa, Ontario

Bytown Voices│ May 26, 2015

Bytown Voices is seeking an experienced music accompanist:  The accompanist works collaboratively with and under the direction of the music director.  The duties of the accompanist are to provide piano accompaniment to the choir at regular choir rehearsals and

  • at sectional practices including directing and playing for section rehearsals at the requests of the Director of Music
  • at concerts (2 per year), plus community sing-outs
  • at any other planned commitments

The Bytown Voices is a community choir currently comprised of more than 55 enthusiastic singers from across the Ottawa region.  As a non-audition, mixed SATB choir, we perform two concerts yearly, with additional outreach performances at such venues as seniors' residences. Although we practice in a church, our diverse repertoire spans music from the sacred to folk, show tunes, as well as spirituals and enjoyable music of all genres. During the fall and spring terms our practices are held at St. Basil’s Church on Maitland just north of the Queensway.

Bytown Voices offers an engaging program that balances a variety of musical genres with the capabilities of the singers.  We strive to be a confident, dynamic community choir where members enjoy singing with each other. Wenurture a respectful and enjoyable practice environmentWefacilitate the learning of new music, optimize training, and cultivate good singing habits to create a blended sound. We regularly review our progress.

For more information about the Bytown Voices visit the website:

To apply, send letter of interest and resume by July 15th to

For further information about the position please contact Bytown Voices Co-president: Lindsay Setzer 

E.    T. 613-421-9577     C. 613-252-0970

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