From our hearts to yours, we wish you a peaceful festive season
and all the very best for an even better 2022 New Year.
At our final December 2021 rehearsal, in addition to recording three rehearsed pieces, we also recorded this short mini-medley of three seasonal pieces from our repertoire - justfor you. As we sang, we were all fully masked and safely spaced throughout the recording venue - St Basil's church.
2021 Seasonal mini-medley.mp3
Our 2022 Winter session begins Tuesday, January 11, 2022.
Bytown Voices
keeps on singing during the pandemic

To play our part in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in a safe and responsible manner, the Bytown Voices Community Choir cancelled its in-person rehearsals and public performances for the remainder of the 2020 year and up to the end of December 2021.
Bytown Voices has now completed four virtual sessions using
a combination of ZOOM and in-person rehearsals.
Click on the sessions below to see the tunes we have worked on! And scroll to the bottom of this page to enjoy our virtual choir performances of
"Moon River" and "Old Lady Rose".
Fall 2020 Winter 2021
Spring 2021 Fall 2021
BV Director leads development of special mask for singers.
During the pandemic our director of Music, Joan Fearnley, has developed a Singer's Mask which is being adopted by choral and theatre groups and individual singers around the world.
Checkout the details at SopranoJoan on Youtube (featured below).
Recently Joan and the mask were featured on both TV and radio news. Have a listen and a look.
CBC In Town and Out: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-98-in-town-and-out/clip/15875514-ottawa-soprano-creates-mask-made-specially-singers
CBC Late Light News (Oct 29) (@minute 8:16)
What is the Bytown Voices?
The Bytown Voices is a non-audition (i.e. no audition required to join) community choir made up of more than 60 enthusiastic singers from across the Ottawa (ON) region. The choir is SATB: sopranos, altos, tenors and basses. Normally, we perform two concerts per year, with additional outreach concerts at seniors' residents and long term care facilities. But we are not back to "normal" times.
Regular rehearsal and concerts will resume when circumstances permit.
Thinking of joining a choir in Ottawa?
New members are welcome to Bytown Voices
Our 2022 WInter/Spring Season features a hybrid rehearsal program of in-person/online or all online rehearsals. Online rehearsals are presented on ZOOM.
All new and returning members are welcome to join us online.
If you have questions contact us at: bytownvoices@gmail.com
Keep singing, virtually, with the Bytown Voices Community Choir - Come join us!

Left: Pre-COVID concert performance. Mid-left front Carla Klassen, Pianists. Mid-right front Joan Fearnley, Director of Music
For complete 20 year + concert music list 1999 to 2020 Click here